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Denise Gauthier of BNSF Railway named to Operation Lifesaver, Inc. board

By Operation Lifesaver


Headshot of Gauthier

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 2, 2015 – Denise Gauthier, manager, field safety support for BNSF Railway, has been named to the board of directors of Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI), President and CEO Joyce Rose announced. As chair-elect of OLI’s National Advisory Council (NAC), Gauthier has a non-voting seat on the board in accordance with the group’s bylaws.

“Denise is a grade crossing safety expert and a seasoned Operation Lifesaver trainer who will be an asset to the board as it guides our national rail safety education efforts,” said Rose. “We are grateful for her continuing contributions as an OLAV coach, first responder rail safety instructor, grade crossing collision investigation instructor trainer and for her tireless service on the National Advisory Council,” concluded Rose.

The OLI board of directors is the governing body of the organization, responsible for determining OLI’s overall mission, priorities and direction and providing oversight to ensure that programs and services are carried out effectively. 

A California native currently residing in Springfield, Mo., Gauthier has held several positions during her 25-year career at BNSF Railway. With extensive experience in the 3 E’s (Education, Engineering and Enforcement), Gauthier has specialized in grade crossing safety issues in the last 10 years, overseeing activities for BNSF in nine states. A volunteer for OLI since 1997, Gauthier is a member of the NAC’s materials review committee; she also is assisting with the development of OLI’s new e-Learning course, rail safety for first responders. She is pursuing a BA in business administration from Columbia College. 


•         Please welcome Denise Gauthier to the @olinational board of directors! #railsafetyeducation

•         Denise Gauthier is @olinational’s newest board member! #seetracksthinktrain

About Operation Lifesaver

Operation Lifesaver's mission is to end collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and along railroad rights of way. A national network of trained volunteers provides free presentations on rail safety. Learn more at; follow OLI on Facebook, TwitterInstagram and Pinterest.



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