Photographer and Filmmaker Safety
Photo and video shoots on or near railroad tracks and trains are illegal and dangerous. No photo, video or selfie is worth the risk.
Rail Safety for Photographers PSAs
Professional and amateur photographers, this Public Service Announcement (PSA) is for you! Photographing on railroad tracks is illegal and dangerous. Make the safety of your clients a priority. Watch our 30 and 60 second PSAs in English and Spanish.

Rail Safety for Influencers PSA
Whether you have five or 5 million followers, it’s important to know that being near tracks and trains is dangerous and illegal – it’s never worth the risk. Watch our 30 and 60 second PSAs in English and Spanish.

Pro and Amateur Photographers Flyers
Whether you are an amateur or pro photographer, check out our rail safety flyers.

Operation Lifesaver, the nonprofit rail safety education organization, urges professional photographers to refrain from taking photos of high school seniors, wedding parties, and other subjects on train tracks or trestles.
Here are Operation Lifesaver's six “must-know" facts for professional photographers considering a photo shoot near the tracks:
- Trains can’t stop quickly to avoid people or vehicles on the tracks.
- An optical illusion makes it hard to determine a train's distance from you - and its speed.
- The average train overhangs the track by at least three feet.
- Railroad tracks, trestles, yards and rights-of-way are private property.
- No tracks should be assumed to be abandoned or inactive.
- People mimic your behavior when they see your photos on the web and social media.
For more information, view our webinar with Professional Photographers of America.
Did You Know?
- Each year, hundreds of people are injured or killed while trespassing on railroad property in the U.S.
- Never put yourself - or your clients - in harm's way.
- Keep your clients safe! Never use train tracks for photo shoots - it is trespassing on private railroad property.
Watch our video PSAs for Photgraphers
- No Photo is Worth the Risk
- No Selfie is Worth the Risk
- No Video is Worth the Risk
- No Shot is Worth the Risk - Rail Safety for Filmmakers