For Kids
Operation Lifesaver helps kids and adults learn about staying safe when it comes to railroad tracks and trains. Check out our latest materials for kids and their caregivers!
"See Tracks? Think Train!® Kids Transit Safety PSA :75
The Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) animated Public Service Announcement (PSA) for kids, OLI’s “See Tracks? Think Train!®” mascot, known as ST3, comes to life in the PSA and teaches a diverse group of young riders tips on how to make safe choices on transit platforms as well as when riding trains.
Watch the full PSA!
Transit Kids Activity Book
Check out our new Transit Kids Activity Book!
Transit Kids Coloring Book

Transit Safety Activity and Coloring Pages

Take the Rail Safety Pledge
Parents, caregivers and others - keep the kids in your life safe by having them take our Rail Safety Pledge for kids!

Take the Transit Safety Pledge
Parents, caregivers and others - keep the kids in your life safe by having them take our Transit Safety Pledge for kids!

Grades K-2
Operation Lifesaver's Trains and Tracks presentation teaches children in grades K-2 or between the ages of 5-8 basic safety messages and information.
Watch the Virtual Trains and Tracks video.

Grades 3-5
Operation Lifesaver's Train Safety Savvy presentation teaches children in grades 3-5 or between the ages of 8-11 covers general safety messages, signs and signals, and trespass prevention.
Play our Train Safety Savvy game!

Grades 6-8
Operation Lifesaver's Mainline Middle School presentation teaches children in grades 6-8 or between the ages of 11-13 more about staying safe near tracks and trains.
Watch the Virtual Mainline Middle School video.

Tuesday Train Track Trivia
Test your rail safety and rail history knowledge. See if you can get correct answers to all 16 questions! There are 12 games in all - one for every month. Find and play all the games here.

Sly Fox and Birdie Coloring Pages
Download and print out these coloring pages for kids that have safety messages from Operation Lifesaver's mascots, Sly Fox and Birdie.