For the Media
As a media professional, Operation Lifesaver, Inc. is here to provide you with fast, accurate information concerning public safety, highway-rail grade crossings and railroad rights-of-way.
Safety Tips While Reporting Near the Tracks
How to Report Safely on Freight or Commuter Rails
Reporting safely near the railroad tracks is key for media professionals and journalism students. Operation Lifesaver Inc. offers important tips and resources to make sure reporters stay safe and cautious while reporting near the tracks. Download the fact sheet and watch the educational video to learn the do's and don'ts of reporting an incident near the tracks.
Reporting on Rail-Related Suicide Incidents
Operation Lifesaver, Inc. offers free resources for journalists reporting on rail-related suicide incidents that can help prevent contagion.

Media Contact
Operation Lifesaver, Inc. understands the importance of the news media’s role in helping the public make safe decisions around tracks and trains.
To request further information about Operation Lifesaver’s activities, or for additional safety information, email general@oli.org or contact our national headquarters office at 703-739-0308.
If you are a reporter seeking information for a local news story, view our list of state Operation Lifesaver program contacts.
If you are on deadline for a story and would like Operation Lifesaver, Inc.'s perspective on a highway-rail safety or trespass prevention topic, email news@oli.org
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