Walking Safely Near Tracks
"Walking a Thin Line" Trespass Prevention Video
Watch "Walking a Thin Line," the award-winning trespass prevention video from Amtrak and Operation Lifesaver.
When walking, jogging or riding through railroad crossings, it’s important to know what to do when you see railroad signs and signals. Stay alert at places where the roadway crosses train tracks.
Safety tips:
- Always expect a train. Trains are quieter and faster than you think, can run on any track, at any time, from either direction and do not run on schedules.
- Walking on or beside railroad tracks is illegal.
- The only safe place to cross tracks is at designated public crossings with a crossbuck, flashing red lights or a gate. Crossing anywhere else is illegal.
- Crossing tracks on a bike, with a stroller, in a wheelchair, or on other narrow wheels requires caution and extra attention. Plan ahead when choosing a route. When possible, walk, don’t ride across the tracks. Cyclists, walk your bike across train tracks at a 90 degree angle. If in a wheelchair, consider getting assistance or taking an alternate route.
- Never pass flashing lights or go around lowered gates. Always wait until lights have stopped flashing and gates are completely raised.
- Wait to cross until you can see clearly in both directions. Multiple tracks may mean multiple trains.
- Stay off railroad bridges and trestles. Stay out of railroad tunnels. There is ONLY ROOM for the train.
- Do not attempt to hop aboard railroad equipment at any time. Trains, tracks and railroad yards are NOT playgrounds. Never climb on, under or through railroad cars. Never jump on or off a train while it’s moving.
Never Play or Walk on Tracks
Mark Kalina, Jr. talks about how being on the railroad tracks one night changed his life forever.
Headphone Safety
We're working to prevent incidents between trespassers on railroad tracks and trains. Our near miss/headphone safety campaign is aimed at preventing near misses and trespass incidents.
Kennedy's Story
Kennedy talks about how life can change in an instant if you trespass on railroad tracks. Learn about our Stop Track Tragedies PSA campaign.
College Students
know the facts, recognize the signs and make safe choices on and off campus – whether walking or driving around railroad tracks and trains.
View and download our Photographer Safety Tips Flyer.