Board of Directors
The Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) Board of Directors consists of representatives of the primary interests involved in the conduct of Operation Lifesaver programs.
The OLI Board of Directors is the governing body of the organization. It is responsible for determining OLI’s overall mission, priorities and direction and provides oversight to ensure that programs and services are carried out effectively. The Board also works to ensure that the organization has adequate resources that are managed with appropriate financial controls, and promotes OLI’s public standing so that the organization can carry out its mission to save lives and reduce injuries at highway rail crossings and on or around railroad property.
Current Board members include:
- Jo Strang, Chair
Senior Vice President Safety and Environmental Regulatory Policy, American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association - Rodney Doer, Vice Chair
VP & Chief Safety Officer, Union Pacific Railroad - John Walsh, Treasurer
Director of Hazardous Materials Programs, Short Line Safety Institute - Polly Hanson, Secretary
Senior Director of Security, Risk and Emergency Management, American Public Transportation Association - Rachel Maleh, Ex-Officio, Non-Voting
Executive Director, Operation Lifesaver, Inc. - Margaret Cannell, State Coordinator on the Board
Executive Director, North Carolina Operation Lifesaver - Kelly Clough
Chief of Police, U.S. Operations, Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) - Martin Conway
Deputy Chief, Amtrak Police Department - Michael Cook
AVP System Safety, BNSF Railway Company - Andy Elkins
Executive Director of Hazmat Compliance, Association of American Railroads - Shayne Gill
Program Director for Multimodal Transportation, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) - Matthew McClaren
Vice President Safety & Environment, Canadian National Railway - Emma Moser, National Advisory Council Co-Chair
Director of Safety & Reporting, Genesee & Wyoming Railroad Services, Inc. - Randy Noe
AVP Regulatory Affairs, Norfolk Southern Corporation - Jim Schwictenberg
CSX Transportation - Alan Stouder, National Advisory Council Co-Chair
Executive Director, Ohio Operation Lifesaver
Media Contact
Operation Lifesaver, Inc. understands the importance of the news media’s role in helping the public make safe decisions around tracks and trains.
To request further information about Operation Lifesaver’s activities, or for additional safety information, email general[at] or contact our national headquarters office at 703-739-0308.
If you are a reporter seeking information for a local news story, view our list of state Operation Lifesaver program contacts.
If you are on deadline for a story and would like Operation Lifesaver, Inc.'s perspective on a highway-rail safety or trespass prevention topic, email news[at]