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Mooney retires, Hull named as Missouri Operation Lifesaver State Coordinator

By Operation Lifesaver


Headshot of Hull


Headshot of Mooney

WASHINGTON, DC, September 30, 2015 — Rick Mooney, who has led the Missouri Operation Lifesaver program for 37 years, will retire October 1, Operation Lifesaver, Inc. President and CEO Joyce Rose announced. Former Missouri Highway Patrol Captain Tim Hull, who has been co-coordinator for the state since September 1, will succeed Mooney as state coordinator.

Mooney, who helped organize the Missouri Operation Lifesaver program in 1977, has been state coordinator since 1978. In addition to expanding the state’s program and forging strong partnerships with law enforcement agencies, Mooney has also served in several leadership positions with Operation Lifesaver, Inc., including chair of the former Program Development Committee and senior state coordinator regional representative on the group’s National Advisory Council. In June, Mooney was honored by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon with a proclamation commending his longstanding contributions to the citizens of Missouri through reducing highway-rail grade crossing collisions and trespasser incidents.

“Rick Mooney has made major contributions to the Operation Lifesaver organization, both at the state and national level,” said Rose. “During his tenure as Missouri state coordinator, crossing collisions plummeted 88 percent across the state, and trespass casualties have been reduced by 38 percent. We are extremely grateful for his leadership and dedication to improving rail safety.”

Tim Hull retired in March from the Missouri Highway Patrol’s Public Information and Education Division after 32 years of service. Earlier in his career Hull was assigned to Troops in Montgomery, Gasconade, Camden and Miller Counties. In 1992 he was assigned to the Public Information and Education Division at Troop F headquarters, where he taught DARE, safety education programs, worked with the media, and was the Troop F SWAT Coordinator. In 2000 he was promoted to lieutenant and transferred to Patrol headquarters as the assistant director of the Public Information and Education Division; he was promoted to captain and named the Division’s director in 2006. Hull was the Patrol’s representative on the Missouri Operation Lifesaver Board and served as its vice president and president before his retirement. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice from Central Missouri State University (now the University of Central Missouri).

“We are so pleased to have Tim Hull as the new Missouri state coordinator,” states Rose. “His law enforcement expertise and previous involvement with Operation Lifesaver will assure the Missouri program’s continued success with rail safety education, outreach and public awareness.”

Hull can be reached at 573-694-6412 or For more information on Missouri Operation Lifesaver, visit their website at




·       Congrats to Rick Mooney on your retirement after 37 years of Missouri #railsafetyeducation!

·       Tim Hull is New State Coordinator for Missouri Operation Lifesaver! #seetracksthinktrain

·       Please help us welcome Tim Hull, new Missouri OL state coordinator! #seetracksthinktrain


About Operation Lifesaver

Operation Lifesaver's mission is to end collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and along railroad rights of way. A national network of trained volunteers provides free presentations on rail safety. Learn more at; follow OLI on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

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