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New state coordinators named for Operation Lifesaver programs in California, North Carolina

By Operation Lifesaver


Headshots of Sheehan and Cannell

WASHINGTON, DC, May 27, 2015 — Operation Lifesaver, Inc. President and CEO Joyce Rose announced new state program leaders for the nonprofit rail safety education organization. Nancy Sheehan-McCulloch now leads California Operation Lifesaver as state coordinator, working with new California assistant state coordinator Sara Logan; Margaret Wood Cannell is the new North Carolina Operation Lifesaver state coordinator.

Sheehan-McCulloch, who has been with California Operation Lifesaver for more than six years, succeeded former coordinator Pete Aadland, who recently retired. During her time as the northern region coordinator, Sheehan-McCulloch was responsible for growing Operation Lifesaver’s presence in the northern and central regions. She created new outreach opportunities and developed relationships with rail safety partners, resulting in increased rail safety awareness throughout the state, and will continue leading those efforts as state coordinator.

Sara Logan worked previously with California Operation Lifesaver as southern region coordinator and will now be responsible for coordinating Operation Lifesaver Authorized Volunteers to lead free safety presentations and represent OL at events across the southern part of the state.

“As a state with one of the highest number of rail-related incidents in the country,” Rose states, “California benefits from experienced leadership in the Operation Lifesaver program. Nancy Sheehan-McCulloch and Sara Logan form an extremely strong team to further advance our mission throughout the state.

“Nancy is a tremendous asset to Operation Lifesaver as a passionate advocate of our rail safety education programs,” Rose adds. “Her strengths in volunteer recruitment and management, along with creative approaches to fostering partnerships, have resulted in increased rail safety awareness throughout the state.”

Cannell comes to North Carolina Operation Lifesaver with experience in environmental engineering, economic development and non-profit management. This wide-ranging expertise, along with a journalism degree, positions her to make a smooth transition from interim state coordinator David Robinson and previous state coordinator Vickie Miller, according to Rose.

“We are so pleased to have Margaret Cannell as our new North Carolina state coordinator,” states Rose. “She brings a wealth of experience that has prepared her to address the Tar Heel State’s rail safety education needs and to develop partnerships for new education outreach and public awareness opportunities.”

Sheehan-McCulloch can be reached at or 530-832-0683. Cannell can be reached at or 919-612-7674.



·       Congrats to North Carolina OL’s Margaret Cannell and California OL’s Nancy Sheehan and Sara Logan on your new roles! #railsafetyeducation

·       Nancy Sheehan is New State Coordinator for @CAOpLifesaver! #seetracksthinktrain

·       Margaret Cannell is New State Coordinator for @OL_NC! #seetracksthinktrain


About Operation Lifesaver

Operation Lifesaver's mission is to end collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and along railroad rights of way. A national network of trained volunteers provides free presentations on rail safety. Learn more at; follow OLI on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


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