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New State Coordinators Named for Operation Lifesaver Programs in Delaware, New Mexico

By Operation Lifesaver


Headshot of King


Headshot of Beer


ALEXANDRIA, Va., August 21, 2014 — Operation Lifesaver, the nonprofit rail safety education organization, has new state coordinators in Delaware and New Mexico, Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) President and CEO Joyce Rose announced. Robert B. King will lead Delaware Operation Lifesaver, succeeding former State Coordinator Drew McCaskey, and Joanne Beer will helm the New Mexico program, following the tenures of former state coordinator Christene Aldeis and interim coordinator Bob Wilbur.

King, a public information/community relations officer with the Delaware Department of Transportation in Dover, has experience conducting public relations, public education, marketing and media outreach efforts for Delaware DOT programs. He is also a published author and photographer.

“Bob King’s communications expertise and relationships with media outlets will help raise awareness of the need for caution around tracks and trains in the First State,” said Rose. “

Beer was trained as an Operation Lifesaver volunteer in 2007 and has been active in the New Mexico program, serving as a state board member since 2010. She is an education curator for the Las Cruces Railroad Museum.

“Both crossing incidents and pedestrian rail trespass casualties increased in New Mexico last year,” said Rose. “We look forward to working with Joanne Beer as she expands safety partnerships and community outreach.”

Operation Lifesaver, Inc. has 49 state programs (Virginia and Maryland operations are combined), each directed by state coordinators who manage a team of volunteers, plan awareness-raising activities and conduct rail safety and anti-trespass training.

King can be reached at 302 760-2074.Beer can be reached at ednmol@gmail.comor 505-269-0886; visit the New Mexico OL website at




About Operation Lifesaver

Operation Lifesaver's mission is to end collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and along railroad rights of way. A national network of trained volunteers provides free presentations on rail safety. Learn more at; follow OLI on Facebook, Twitter, Instagramand Pinterest.

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