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New State Coordinators Named for Operation Lifesaver Programs in New Hampshire, Delaware

By Operation Lifesaver


Headshot of Robinson


Headshot of Perrine

WASHINGTON, DC, November 4, 2014 — Operation Lifesaver, the nonprofit rail safety education organization, named new state coordinators in New Hampshire and Delaware, Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) President and CEO Joyce Rose announced. John H. Robinson is the new state coordinator for New Hampshire Operation Lifesaver, succeeding long-time NHOL leader Lyman Cousens, and Robert Perrine will take over the Delaware program from Bob King.

Robinson, a New Hampshire native and third-generation railroader, worked for 23 years in track and structures construction for a metropolitan New York commuter rail system before returning to New Hampshire in 1997. He joined the state’s Operation Lifesaver committee in 2000, and currently holds the position of rail safety inspector/investigator with the New Hampshire Department of Transportation.

“Operation Lifesaver is grateful to Lyman Cousens for his 25 years of service as New Hampshire’s state coordinator,” said Rose. “John Robinson’s experience with the New Hampshire committee makes him an excellent choice to lead the program forward,” she noted.

Perrine is railroad program manager with the Delaware Department of Transportation, which he joined in 1999. He holds an engineering degree from the University of Alabama.

“We look forward to working with Bob Perrine on increasing rail safety awareness and community outreach in Delaware,” said Rose.

Robinson can be reached at JRobinson@dot.state.nh.usor (603) 271-2448.Perrine can be reached at (302) 760-2183.



About Operation Lifesaver

Operation Lifesaver's mission is to end collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and along railroad rights of way. A national network of trained volunteers provides free presentations on rail safety. Learn more at; follow OLI on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

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