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Statement by OLI Highlighting the Importance of ENS Signs: The Blue and White Sign Can Save a Life

By Operation Lifesaver

At Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI), we are committed to raising awareness about rail safety education and empowering individuals to make safe choices around tracks and trains. One crucial tool everyone should know about is the Emergency Notification System (ENS) sign, which is found at or near all railroad crossings.

These rectangular Blue and White signs display a unique phone number and a unique crossing ID, providing a direct line to the railroad in case of emergencies. If a vehicle is stuck or stalled on the tracks, debris is spotted, or any other hazard arises, calling the number on the ENS sign can alert the railroad to stop oncoming trains and potentially help prevent incidents.

We encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with these signs and share this information with family, friends and coworkers. To learn more, watch and share our short Public Service Announcement (PSA) about ENS signs. 

For additional rail safety education information or to request a free rail safety presentation, visit
Together, we can make our communities safer by staying informed and spreading awareness.


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