Track Statistics
Current Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) data shows that highway-rail grade crossing collisions and pedestrian trespass on tracks together account for over 95% of all railroad fatalities.
81% Decline
In Collisions
We’ve helped to reduce the number of train/motor vehicle collisions from a 1972 high of roughly 12,000 annual incidents to approximately 2,246 incidents in 2024.
12,000 Collisions in 1972
reduced to 2,246 in 2024
People Reached in 2023
299 New Volunteers
Authorized in 2023
Find the Blue and White ENS PSA
32,500+ Airings on 430+ TV Stations Nationwide
Operation Lifesaver, Inc.'s "Find the Blue and White Emergency Notification System Sign" PSA is airing on TV and radio stations nationwide.