“Safety Partnerships: Together Towards Tomorrow”
The OLI Virtual Leadership Conference was held July 14-15, 2021.
Thank you to everyone who attended the event! Videos of the webinar sessions are available for viewing below.
Wednesday, July 14
In this opening session of "Safety Partnerships: Together Towards Tomorrow," the 2021 Operation Lifesaver, Inc. Virtual Leadership Conference, attendees were given a tour of the virtual conference platform, welcomed by Board Chair Jo Strang and Executive Director Rachel Maleh and updated on OLI's most recent efforts and new resources.
Jo Strang, OLI Board Chair and Senior Vice President, Safety & Regulatory Policy, American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association
Rachel Maleh, Executive Director, Operation Lifesaver, Inc.
In this panel session, speakers talked about non-traditional partnerships as well as creative tips and tricks for sharing the rail safety message.
Nicole Brewin, Senior Vice President of Government & Public Affairs, Railway Supply Institute
Nancy Sheehan, Executive Director, California Operation Lifesaver; Nadji Kirby, Senior Program Manager for Domestic Road Safety, Safe Kids Worldwide; Joshua Vance, Sr. Director of Safety, Intermodal, J.B. Hunt; Isabelle Fonverne, Senior Advisor, Safety and Interoperability, International Union of Railways
This panel discussion reviewed first responder resources to reduce incidents when responding near railroad tracks and trains in Estonia and the U.S. as well as OLI's Railroad Investigation and Safety Course (RISC).
Stephen Covey, Chief of Police and Chief Security Officer, CN
Tamo Vahemets, Chairman, Operation Lifesaver Estonia; Mark Sexton, Executive Director, Oklahoma Operation Lifesaver; Jessica Feder, Executive Director, Indiana Operation Lifesaver
Thursday, July 15

An Armchair Chat with Union Pacific Railroad CEO Lance Fritz
Moderated by OLI Board Chair Jo Strang, Senior Vice President, Safety & Regulatory Policy, American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association
In this informal armchair-style discussion and Q & A, Union Pacific Railroad CEO Lance Fritz shared ways Union Pacific works with communities to prevent crossing and trespassing incidents as well as thoughts on how Operation Lifesaver can best partner with railroads in our shared goal of making communities safer.
Key federal partners from the Federal Railroad Administration, Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration discussed ways in which the agencies' partnerships with Operation Lifesaver help make communities safer.
Shayne Gill, Program Director for Multimodal Transportation, AASHTO
Gail Lyssy, Acting Associate Administrator for Transit Safety and Oversight and Chief Safety Officer, Federal Transit Administration; Cheryl J. Walker, Associate Administrator for Safety, Federal Highway Administration; and Amit Bose, Deputy Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration.
This panel discussion focused on how transit agencies throughout the U.S. educate their riders and other audiences on safety and suicide prevention, working with Operation Lifesaver and other partners.
Polly Hanson, Senior Director of Security, Risk, and Emergency Management, American Public Transportation Association
Hilary Konczal, Chief Safety and Environmental Officer, Metra Commuter Rail; Tasha Bartholomew, Communications Manager, Caltrain; and Ed Abel, Director of Operational Safety, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.
What is engineering’s role in saving lives at highway-rail grade crossings and trespass prevention? Panelists discussed the latest engineering and tech advances in rail safety.
Katie Chimelewski, Director, Safety & Certification, American Road and Transportation Builders Association
Dr. Iker de Luisa Plazas, Director General, Association of Mexican Railroads (AMF); Starr Kidda, PhD, Human Factors Division Chief, Federal Railroad Administration Office of Research, Development & Technology; and Rick Campbell, Senior Project Manager, Alfred Benesch & Company.

Conference Closing Remarks by Rachel Maleh, OLI Executive Director